1. BAC Members:  LOG OUT OF YOUR ACCOUNT before beginning the application process
  2. In the first field ,"e-Mail",  DO NOT enter your email address.  Instead, in the 'e-Mail' field, enter the following unique Proposal Code. You will be asked for your contact email later in the application:

Format:    e-Mail:  [workshop type][first initial][last name]@[year].com

  • the first three characters - the workshop type:  wew = weekend (Saturday), wdw = weekday (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday), ssw = single session workshop (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday), online = online with Zoom (all days noted available)
  • 'first letter' of your first name and your full last name
  • @2024.com (use the current year)

Example:    e-Mail:  wdwjsmith@2024.com

  • the first three characters: wdw = weekday workshop application
  • for applicant 'Jane Smith' = jsmith
  • @2024.com
  1. To decide on your workshop type, Click here: Types & Terms
  2. Below, you will enter your Proposal Code in the e-Mail field and click Next. See box at left for instructions. If submitting more than one proposal per year, add a sequence number before the @.  Eg wdwjsmith2@2024.com
  3. When the Profile for this application opens ("My Profile"), click Edit profile.  Complete all fields for your workshop type, and Save. Then click Member photo albums. Create the album "Samples" and upload your sample photos: 1 headshot, 2 - 5 samples of your work related to the workshop.
Workshop Proposal - Free Subscription period: Unlimited

Enter your email

* Mandatory fields
* e-Mail

Thank you for taking time to complete our online form. 

The collected information helps us to make scheduling decisions. The class details are used to advertise the booked workshops to potential students.
You may access a Word version of the online form here to use as a worksheet: BAC-Workshop Proposal Form.doc
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