The Barrie Art Club is a non-profit, volunteer-driven organization and is run entirely by our members who keep BAC open Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.
All members are encouraged to volunteer for any of the available positions which contribute to the ongoing success of The Barrie Art Club.  Please note volunteer positions are open to BAC members only.
Become a member!
Thank you for your support!

If you would like to do your part, please contact our volunteers coordinator. Search "Volunteers" in our  Member Directory

Volunteer Positions Available

Social Event Co-ordinators (Team)

Planning - Putting together events, including cleanup. This may include preparing budgets, scouting, and booking venues, and securing food and drinks.
Managing - Ensuring the event goes smoothly by overseeing logistics, resolving problems, and juggling timelines. This may include liaising between BAC and service providers, and negotiating with vendors, caterers, and venues.
Executing - Ensuring the event adheres to BAC expectations on the day of the event. This may include final checks on decorations, table arrangements, and audio and visual set-ups.
Evaluating - Conducting post-event evaluations to gather feedback, assess the event's success, and identify areas for improvement.
Maintaining client relationships - Maintaining strong relationships throughout the event planning process and beyond, to secure future business and referrals.

Contact bacmymembership@gmail.com if interested.

Development of “Pop-Up” exhibitions (Team)

Define BAC Objectives – who are we connecting with and how will artists be involved?

  •     Determine a Budget 
  •     Design a Smart Exhibition Stand
  •     Create Engaging Content and Materials
  •     Work with Publicity to Promote BAC Presence
  •     Select and Train Your Booth Staff
  •     Create a Follow-up Strategy

Contact bacmymembership@gmail.com if interested.

Grant & Project Research Co-ordinators (Team)

Project planning - Developing a project plan that outlines the project's goals, objectives, timelines, budget, and key personnel
Project execution & monitoring - Leading and launching the project, identifying partners, and defining the project's framework. Monitor the daily progress and update stakeholders
Project reporting - Submitting reports, payment requests, proof of deliverables, and other documents
Grant management - Completing all documents, forms, or reports required by the grant
Grant monitoring and evaluation - Coordinating the monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects that are funded by grants
Grant master files - Developing and maintaining master files on grants and paperwork connected to programs funded by grants
Budget preparation - Helping prepare budgets and recommending innovative approaches to track and manage budgets

Contact bacmymembership@gmail.com if interested. 

Executive Role – Secretary

BAC secretary is responsible for ensuring that our board operates efficiently and in compliance with the law. Their role includes:
Supporting the board: Providing advice and support to board and executive
Ensuring compliance: Keeping track of changes in the law and making sure BAC complies with legal and regulatory requirements as a not-for-profit
Planning and convening meetings: Planning and organizing board meetings, and producing agendas
Recording minutes: Ensuring that meeting minutes are properly recorded
Maintaining records: Keeping board records and onboarding new board members
Managing sign-off: Managing sign-off on decisions made by the board
The role of the board secretary has evolved from that of a note taker at board meetings to one that includes acting as a board advisor and being responsible for BAC governance.

A board secretary has fiduciary duties to BAC, including:

  • A duty of loyalty
  • A duty to act with care and skill
  • A duty to avoid conflicts of interest

Contact bacmymembership@gmail.com if interested.

Executive Role – Treasurer

BAC treasurer is responsible for the financial management of an organization, and their role includes:
Budgeting - Overseeing and presenting budgets to the board, and ensuring that the organization operates within its budgetary constraints
Financial reporting - Preparing and distributing financial reports to the board and other stakeholders, such as balance sheets, cash flow statements, and annual reports
Financial strategy - Advising the board on financial strategy, including potential opportunities, risks, and tax implications
Internal controls - Establishing and monitoring internal controls to safeguard BAC’s assets and prevent fraud
Compliance - Ensuring that BAC is compliant with all relevant financial and accounting regulations
Investing - Investing BAC’s funds and ensuring that they are following all relevant laws
Auditing - Participating in the annual audit and preparing the audit report
Succession planning
- Planning for their own succession or offering recommendations to the nominating committee.

The treasurer's role is critical for facilitating informed decision-making and demonstrating the organization's commitment to sound financial management.

Contact bacmymembership@gmail.com if interested.

some Volunteer Opportunities:

 Club Reception

  Greet visitors to the club, answer the phone, assist with purchases and registrations. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED TO KEEP THE DOORS TO THE CLUB OPEN.

 once or twice a month or weekly, 2 1/2 hours morning or afternoon
 Drop-in host   Organize a gathering of members who share a common art interest with you eg. still life, portraiture, watercolour..   once or twice a month or weekly, 2 1/2 hours morning or afternoon
 Helper/host  Assist with special events or workshops on an as needed basis  1-2 hours and up.  Workshops vary from 3 hours to full day.
 Club Caretaking  Tend to the general cleanliness and of our club space. Cleaning, snow-shovelling...   all members chip in when they visit, but any amount of dedicated time is appreciated
 Huronia Arts Festival @ Kempenfest team
 Greet vendors and direct them to their assigned space or work with the setup or tear-down team.
 once a year, 2 hours or more
 Various board positions and committees President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications, Programming, Volunteer Coordination, Curating, Facilities Management ...(Executive positions are elected by the membership.)  time commitment varies
 More  other duties as needed or as member vision inspires
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